About Me

About Me

I’m a Data Scientist at Civis Analytics. Prior to working at Civis Analytics, I completed a PhD in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Braun Computational Biology Lab at Northwestern University. The focus of my research was on developing statistical methods to find disease associated genes biological data.

During my PhD program, I interned as a data scientist at Tempus, a technology company that organizes and analyzes biomedical data to personalize cancer treatment. I was also the co-chair of the McCormick Graduate Leadership Council, the engineering school’s graduate student council which promotes community amongst its students. I received a BS magna cum laude from Columbia University and a MS from Northwestern University.

About This Site

This site is powered by Jekyll using the Minimal Mistakes theme. All blog posts are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All opinions and views are my own and do not represent my employer.